Snapchat is starting Real Life, an online magazine about technology Snapchat doesn’t just care about video. The company is behind a new online magazine called Real Life, which will publish roughly one article each weekday on the subject of technology, starting on June 27.
Why All Publishers Should Join the World Wide Web Consortium In a 2014 talk called “An Architecture of Collaboration,” I described 12 actions publishers could take to better understand and take advantage of new sources and uses of what was once just book content.
Johnson Publishing Sells ‘Ebony,’ ‘Jet’ Two of the country’s oldest consumer magazines targeting African-American readers have been sold, with Johnson Publishing’s announcement that private equity firm Clear View Group has acquired Ebony and Jet.
AOP Premium Publisher Alliance acquired by Intrinsic Europe AOP, the Association of Online Publishers, has announced that it has sold its premium publisher aggregated solution, Symmachia Ltd, for an undisclosed amount to programmatic experts Intrinsic Europe.