What’s Your Mix Of Six? Alternative Revenue Streams In Digital Publishing
Nowadays, no single revenue stream is enough to sustain, let alone grow, a digital publication. Instead, online publishers are relying on a combination of revenue streams to ensure they can bring in sufficient capital.
Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2023
The internet never sleeps so the best time to post on social media seems like it’s at every hour of the day. We’re going to demystify this myth so your social team can plan, prioritize and create a successful social media marketing strategy.
Why CMOs Need To Learn The Language Of The Boardroom
Marketers and boardrooms have never operated in perfect harmony — and while businesses continue to view marketing as a ‘sunken cost’ rather than a valuable investment this will continue. Recent research carried out across Fortune 500 companies found that the tenure of the average CMO is currently only half that of the average CEO, pointing to an increasing dichotomy between marketing departments and boardrooms.
59% Of Gen Z, 49% Of Millennials Will Give A Brand 3 Chances Before Abandoning It
Strike three and you’re out. Sounds like the rules of baseball filtered into ecommerce and brand loyalty — mainly because great products alone are not enough to keep customers loyal. It takes products and great customer service. Consumers’ patience runs thin, with 59% of Gen Z and 49% of Millennials saying they will give a brand a third chance before abandoning it.