A forum for the print and digital publishing industries
This New Ad-Blocker Has A Plan To Pay Publishers
The release of iOS 9 last year kicked off a rush of new mobile ad blockers and new controversy, as websites (including this one) decried the new programs as a blow against independent publishers and the open web.
Food Porn Is The New Click Bait For Audience-Hungry Publishers
The rise of Facebook video has led not only to a video hiring frenzy by publishers, but a veritable feast of food content.
Publishers & Advertisers Must Regulate Native Ads — Or Else Be Stifled By FTC
In recent weeks, the Federal Trade Commission issued a new set of guidelines for native advertising that has publishers and advertisers alike stirring.
Advertisers and Readers: How Do Publishers Keep ’Em Both Happy?
Give readers the niched-out content they want and you’ll build a strong, devoted audience.
2025: Visions for The Future Of Publishing
It’s a difficult task when technology and behaviour shifts so rapidly, but it’s clear that there are some lines on the graph that have only been going one way for some time.
The Five Most Influential Trends for Publishers In 2016
Each year Carat Global produces a trends report, looking at the major trends we’ve identified as influential for the year ahead.
How to Find Amazing Content for Your Social Media Calendar (And Save Yourself Hours of Work)
Source: One of the toughest, and most time-consuming, tasks in community and social media management is finding a stream of high-quality, engaging content to share with your audience every day.
Magzter Redesigns Their Digital Magazine Apps
Magzter has just revised their complete line of digital magazine apps with a new interface.
Reuters TV Finds Value Not Just In Making Its Content Free, But In Giving It Away To Other Publishers
In a little less than a year, Reuters has completely changed the strategy around its news video product, Reuters TV.
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