- Listen Up, Advertisers: Digital Ads In Tablet Magazines Are As Engaging And Effective As In Print Magazines
Advertising is one of print magazine’s brightest spots, what makes magazines different than any other medium out there. - Big Brands Are Driving Facebook And Twitter’s Mobile Ad Explosion
Twitter and Facebook are killing it with mobile ad sales right now. - Hearst’s Interesting New Approach To Advertising
Hearst Magazines President David Carey and Marketing President Michael Clinton discuss increasing advertising revenue, print innovation and investing in digital. They speak on “Market Makers.” - Five Content Marketing Lessons You Can Learn From Magazines
Approaching content with a magazine mindset gets you on your audience’s radar. - 7 Must-Have Networking Apps To Boost Your Social Media Marketing
Do you want to build strong relationships around your brand? - Digital Publishers Looking To Print Magazines
There’s a lot of positive talk about magazines these days — but, interestingly, it’s coming from the digital likes of Yahoo, Say Media and Flipboard. - Publishers Still Waiting For The Tablet Revolution
Many in the media business thought that the end of the paper world as we knew it was near. - Publishers’ Updated Mobile App Strategy: Curation And Creation
Publishers are starting to realize that when it comes to mobile, giving users the best value means a mix of original content and aggregated fare. - Look Ahead: Take A Peek
Publishers now have a simple way for their print readers to find and share articles online.
The Media Minute – 29 July 2014
- Advertisers Don’t Want To Be Advertisers Anymore!
That means ad sales people are finding that selling an ad page is very difficult. Add banners to the list of undesirable products, too. So, what do you do? - Gannett’s Profits Increase 84% As Newsquest’s Circulation Revenue Rises
Gannett, the parent of Newsquest, saw its second-quarter profits rise 84% alongside a 12% increase in revenue compared to the same period last year. - Innovation’s In Participative Journalism That Will Change The Media Industry
As modern media outlets struggle with the uncertainty of journalism’s future, they should keep a close eye on social entrepreneurs who are pioneering new media models by reimagining the roles of the audience, the journalist, and the media enterprise. - Digital Publishers Looking To Print Magazines
There’s a lot of positive talk about magazines these days — but, interestingly, it’s coming from the digital likes of Yahoo, Say Media and Flipboard. - When An Ad Is Not An Ad On Facebook
Facebook’s recent changes to its news feed algorithm have decreased organic reach for brands and, at the same time, increased reach for editorial operations. - Apple Appears Set To Separate The iBooks Store From iTunes, Will They Move Newsstand, As Well?
The latest version of iTunes 12 beta seems to show that Apple intends to move the iBooks Store outside of its iTunes Mac app and into its own Mac app with the release of OS X Yosemite, according to developers working with the software. - How Digital Startups Can Better Deal With Uncertainty
When you are starting out with a digital product, it makes sense to get advice from experts. But experts can’t help you learn as much as you can on your own. - Saying Goodbye To Publishing Business Conference & Expo, Hello To New “Live” Events Series
Publishing Business Conference & Expo has seen many iterations. More than a decade ago it was a shrine to the power and profitability of print. - Can The Washington Post Build An International Identity?
The Washington Post has long been torn between its self-identification as a hometown newspaper and the reality that the local business has global importance.
The Media Minute – 22 July 2014
- Regional Publishers Will Claim E-editions In Next ABC Figures
Regional publishers will be able to include e-editions in their audited circulation figures from this month. - Dig Into Your Customers’ Digital Presence
Yes, all you ad sales pros are super busy every single minute. - Get Ready: Commercial Viral Videos to Take Up Even More of Your Time
Production execs face challenges with managing rights and royalties for digital commercials. - Massive Sponsorship Deals Can Blunt Marketing
This year’s World Cup campaigns have been dull and expensive. Has the whistle been blown on marketing largesse? - Why Digital Publishers Want To Be In The Magazine Business
There’s a lot of positive talk about magazines these days — but, interestingly, it’s coming from the digital likes of Yahoo, Say Media and Flipboard. - Bite-Sized Tips For Digital Ad Sales Success
No matter where you are in the digital revenue landscape, new ideas and solid strategy are critical to your success. - Why Fonts Still Matter In Digital Media
You may not know a serif from an ascender. But the font of a publication may be the most important thing that no one, except for designers, cares about. - 8 Essential Elements Of A Social Media Marketing Strategy
Do you need help getting started with your social media marketing strategy? - How Top Publishers Tend To Their Homepages
It’s one of the big challenges facing online news sites: People are coming through side doors to find their news, where they spend less time on site and return less often than those who come direct.
The Media Minute – 15 July 2014
- The Latest Tactics Publishers Use To Get Readers To Stick Around
Publishers are spending a lot of time trying to keep readers clicking. - Why Interactivity Is Taking Over Publishers’ Native Ads
What’s old is new again. “Interactivity,” the ad industry buzzword circa 2006, is making a comeback along with the ascent of native advertising. - Digital-Only Publishers Not Oblivious To Condition Of Print Magazine Distribution
During the past week, when the topic was not the World Cup, I’ve had discussions with digital-only publishers who expressed concern about the growing mess that is magazine distribution. - If Newspapers Are Dying, No One’s Told The Farnham Herald
Forget doom, gloom and incipient panic for the moment. 2013’s annual results at the top end of the newspaper market flow are remarkably benign. - 3 Ways Niche Publishers Can Create Successful Mobile Strategies
Everyone has talked mobile strategy for years now, but what does a “real” mobile strategy look like? - Advertisers: Tap Into Social Conversations To Engage Users
Advertisers know their customers won’t always seek them out. - Newspaper Design In The Digital Age
The tables at Syracuse University were adorned with jaw-dropping artwork. - Newspaper Syndicates: Staying Relevant
Did you know the newspaper syndication industry was once so large, there used to be a trade magazine devoted to it? - Traditional Publishing No Longer In Authors’ Best Interests
The Society of Authors’ chief executive has claimed that traditional publishers’ terms “are no longer fair or sustainable”.
The Media Minute – 8 July 2014
- New Media Meets Old
Many publishers are using smartphones to reach new readers, but what about finding them through a smart newsrack instead? - Paid Digital Content: The Journey Continues
What is the general trend in Europe compared to the USA regarding paid digital content? - Mobile Advertising To Overtake Print
UK mobile advertising will overtake the multi-billion pound newspaper and magazine market next year, and surpass TV ad spend to hit £4.5bn in 2016, according a new forecast. - Next Up For B2B Email Marketing: Automation
Email is one of the most widely used and established of all platforms and has long been the cornerstone of many business-to-business (B2B) marketing plans. - Time Out On Time Spent: Digital’s Delta Is More Like Two Times TV’s
Here’s a surprising counter to those Mary Meeker-ish assertions that digital media doesn’t get its fair share of ad budgets, relative to the time consumers spend using media. - Readers Begin To Respond To Digital Magazine Advertisements
Traditional magazine advertising often captivates readers attention due to color, gloss and shine. When it comes to reading on a tablet, such as the iPad, do advertisements still resonate? - USA Today Tries New Way Of Keeping Readers On Site
The newspaper has tapped Curiyo, a startup founded by Bob Rosenschein, who created Answers.com and sold it to AFCV Holdings for $127 million in 2011. - The Next Big Ad-Tech Disruption
Not RTB … and maybe not even Google or Facebook. What the biggest disruption in the advertising technology space is, they say RTB, or real-time bidding? - Native Ad Grudge Match: Wired vs. The New York Times
The New York Times ran an incredible native ad in June for Netflix’s “Orange is the New Black” that was so compelling in its writing and slick in presentation, it even had skeptical journalists praising it.
The Media Minute – 1 July 2014
- For Many Advertisers, A Page Of Ad Space In The Print Magazine Is No Longer Enough
The value-add has been part of the advertising landscape of B2B publishing for so long now that many sales reps can not recall a day when it hasn’t been part of the annual proposal. - Is Your CRM Implementation Architecture Or Interior Design?
Just because your CRM project involves software, infrastructure and the cloud doesn’t mean it’s just an engineering project. - Buyer’s Guide: The Growing Importance Of Audience Data Tracking
An influx of audience data poses great challenges and even greater opportunities for publishers. The key is better data management. - Publishers’ Plug-In Addiction Can Come Back To Haunt Them
Publishers today have inked a Faustian pact with the third-party vendors that plug into their sites. - A New Era Of Newsstand Sales Begins
After several difficult weeks, many of the former Source Interlink retailers have begun to transition their business to Hudson News, to TNG (formerly The News Group). - USA Today Tries New Way To Keep Readers From Leaving
USA Today is trying out a new content discovery tool to keep readers from leaving the site. - Three Quarters Of Mobile Users See Targeted Adverts As Invasion Of Privacy
Mobile adverts are considered to be ‘an invasion of privacy’ to over three quarters of smartphone users, according to a global research study conducted by Publicis-owned creative digital agency. - Publishers Want In On The Content-Recommendation Game
Building an online audience is tough for a publisher to do — if they care about having a reputable brand based on editorial content that people actually want to read and share. - What’s In Your Digital Marketing Toolbox?
What is most important when creating successful marketing initiatives? What digital marketing tools work best?
The Media Minute – 24 June 2014
- Digital Publishing Dilemma
Dilemma of analyzing digital audience engagement. What numbers can you really trust? - Op-Ed: How The Publishing Industry Gave Itself Away
Publishing industry is so internally focused that too often it fails to grasp the changing content world it operates in. - Are Tablet Magazines Dead Or Alive?
Barely 42 months after the birth of the iPad, critics proclaimed the death of the tablet magazine. That was fast. - Print And Digital Media Critics Are Finding It Hard To Get Along
Can’t we all just get along? Those who still believe there is a future for the print newspaper (and magazine, for that matter) and those who are convinced that print is dead? - Think Twice About What To Design First, Mobile Or Web
It is not unusual to hear people say that they “can’t survive” without their mobile; phones are so embedded into our daily lives that the thought of being without them is, for some, a genuinely terrifying prospect. - “Digital Advertising Needs To Aspire To Be As Good As Art” Says Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has called on digital advertising to aspire to become “as good as art” as she discussed the development of the online media company’s platforms and the emergence of native advertising. - Digital Publishing: Making Your Content Go Viral
Why do certain articles go viral? - What iOS8 Means For Content Publishers
After the uproar about changes to Newsstand in iOS7—including the terribly redesigned icon—many thought iOS8, announced earlier this month at Apple’s annual developer’s conference and available this fall, would bring some redemption: more visibility, new features. - Pinterest For Journalists
If you’re a fan of Pinterest, you probably know how to “pin” images of recipes, clothes, and home décor to your board, but what if you want to share the news?
The Media Minute – 17 June 2014
- Four Ways Publishers Can Diversify Sales Channels, Become Less Reliant On Amazon
Some publishers admit that nearly 50% to 70% of their sales come through the Seattle retailer, and if this is the case, then vanishing buy buttons can be a serious problem. - Brands Should Pair Up With Publishers As Facebook Reduces Organic Reach
As Facebook steadily reduces the organic reach of page posts, brands have new decisions to make about how to structure their marketing and advertising budgets as well as where and when branding goals make sense on the social network. - Business Of News: It’s A Whole New Ballgame
Newspaper leaders need to show their journalists how to change, and why. - Attention And Timing Are The New ‘Clicks’
As digital analytics have become more powerful, publishers have more choices to make about their content and how to maximize its impact — in readership, social sharing and revenue. - Digital Media Is Now Bigger Than National TV Advertising, Will Surpass Total TV By 2018
Magna Global issued a report on Monday predicting a major upswing of 8.3 percent for U.S. television advertising revenue in 2014, after a dismal 2013 in which revenues were down 0.6 percent. - Adobe DPS Powers New Samsung Tablet’s Magazine Feature, Papergarden
From a digital reading standpoint, there’s a lot about the tablet that stands out, particularly thanks to Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite. - If Advertisers (And Agencies) Want To Limit Ad Fraud They Might Consider Better Targeting
It would be nice to think that stories such as that which appeared in the Financial Times would wake up the ad industry, but that might be too much to hope for. - Facebook To Use Web Browsing History For Ad Targeting
Through its ubiquitous “like” buttons on publisher sites across the web, Facebook has long been able to watch the web surfing behavior of its 1.28 billion monthly users. - Digital Publishing Metrics—What’s Real?
The ecstasy of digital publishing is that it enables the granular measurement of everything from traffic to ad clicks.
The Media Minute – 10 June 2014
- What Magazine Publishers Can Learn From Game Developers
Mobile is here to stay. All the data on the matter shows that online publishing, and mobile especially, is growing. - New Free Digital Magazines Expand Tablet Publishing
Four new art magazines using four different publishing platforms are all producing native tablet magazines for the Apple Newsstand. - Email List-Building From The Experts: How To Grow A Massive Email List
Where do email subscribers fall on your list of priorities? - Meet The Publishers Who Ask Their Reporters To Write Native Ads
The rise of native advertising is forcing some publishers to play loose with the traditional “church and state” separation between the editorial and business sides. - How Do You Combine TV And Digital Video?
When blending the two, use TV for reach and digital video for frequency. - Time Inc.’s Solo Debut Raises Pressure On Move To Digital
Time Inc. debuts tomorrow as the only publicly traded company in the U.S. focused just on magazines, putting even more pressure on the publisher to adapt quickly to the Internet. - Publishers Just Don’t Get Mobile
Publishers are selling advertising inventory without giving a thought to how the advertising content appears on the mobile versions of their websites. - Will Emerging Standards And Specifications Help Us Normalize Digital Magazine Publishing?
Experts discuss the benefits of OpenEFT, EPUB, and .folio standards. - 3 Ways Traditional Ssps Cost Publishers Money
Supply-side platforms (SSPs) were created to help publishers connect to multiple potential buyers in order to maximize revenue.
The Media Minute – 3 June 2014
- U.S. Ad Market Forecast To Spike 6.2% In 2014
The U.S. advertising market will continue to have a strong year — thanks to strong first-quarter gains, especially from NBC’s Sochi Olympics. - The Washington Post Partner Program Offers Digital Content To 100 US Newspapers
Subscribers to newspapers throughout the country now have access to The Washington Post digital products through a partner program launched earlier this year. - The Core Is Always Going To Be Magazines And Print
What probably keeps me up at night is the dynamic relevance of printed magazines and what they mean to the consumer. - 7 Social Media Trends For Marketers
Some of newest social media trends from the 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry. - 5 Reasons HTML5 Ads Are Ready For Prime Time
Two years ago, the debate over HTML5’s future was fierce. Naysayers painted the programming language as immature and insecure, while the anti-Flash crowd called Adobe’s system closed and limited. - Facebook Adds Like Button To Apps
Facebook recently announced they are giving more control to people when sharing from apps. - WhatsApp Emerges As Big Share Driver For Publishers
Publishers tend to focus their social media strategies around the twin titans of Facebook and Twitter. - 11 Revenue Sources For Digital News Organizations
So much innovation is occurring on the revenue side of new digital media that it’s time to review, update and aggregate. - The Wall Street Journal Shares Best Practices For Video Ads
Trevor Fellows, global head of advertising sales for The Wall Street Journal, spoke about best practices in digital video advertising.