Future plc acquires Imagine Publishing for £14.2 million Future plc, the international media group and leading digital business, has agreed terms to acquire Miura (Holdings) Ltd, the holding company and ultimate parent company of Imagine Publishing Limited for a total consideration of some 179 million new Future shares.
Publishers Must Adopt New Tech without Hurting User Experience PostUp VP of product & marketing Keith Sibson explains why publishers need to carefully monitor audience metrics as they implement new technology to understand when new solutions negatively impact user experience.
Shoptalk: Can Publishers Step Away From the Brink of Peak Content? There’s been a lot of disparagement of publishers who employ ‘clickbait’ over the past few days. Though the definition has shifted from its origin as a term for the gap between what a publisher promises and what the article actually delivers to a more generic term for lazy reportage, nobody wants to be seen endorsing a model that prioritizes empty clicks.
“Medium’s team did everything”: How 5 publishers transitioned their sites to Medium “Even 15 years after Blogger, it’s still hard to publish on the internet,” a Medium executive told a group of publishers this past spring. Medium has now made it its mission to make publishing easier: After a few years of back-and-forth about whether it was a publisher or a platform (or, ugh, a platisher), the company has stepped firmly into the platform camp.
From ‘Older’ Publishing to New: Two Industry Veterans Go Indie Ashton Applewhite and Bob Stein list 37 vendors and counting, in producing Applewhite’s ‘This Chair Rocks.’ That’s how you roll, they say, when you take the indie route—and mean to get it right.