Hearst Thinks Outside the Tower for its Digital Strategy
On a tour of the Cosmopolitan.com office last week, Troy Young, the president of Hearst Magazines Digital Media, blithely introduced a room without windows as the “crying room.”
Digital Tools You Should Have Been Using in 2014
For many journalists, reporting is a recipe perfected long ago. Adding a new ingredient or changing a step can throw the finished product out of whack.
5 Charts About the State of Dark Social
People have become increasingly aware of dark social — the under-the-radar sharing that takes place on chat, messaging apps, IM and in email, outside the social network ecosystem (and, it’s believed, within it in some cases).
What Defines a Healthy Newsroom Culture?
Earlier this month, I had the honor of conducting a writing workshop in Washington, D.C., for the writers and editors of National Geographic.